Some of logos of the organisations represented by our members are shown above.
There are too many to list here, but you can download an alphabetical list with their contact details here.  Organisations on the list do not formally endorse our work, but some of their staff are members of the Forum. The diagram below shows the numbers of different types of organisations represented.
We are starting to build a group of key affiliated organisations, who back our work and are prepared to endorse our Manifesto.  If your organisation would like to be affiliated (no charge!) please contact us.
Nearly half the organisations are environmental charities (NGOs), local Wildlife Trusts (WLT) or community groups.
Nearly a quarter are local and national Government agencies, universities and other teaching organisations. 
The final quarter is made up of commercial organisations such as garden centres  and retailers, with representatives of scientific and gardening media.
Some of logos of the organisations represented by our members are shown above.  There are too many to list here, but you can download an alphabetical list with their contact details here.  Organisations on the list do not formally endorse our work, but some of their staff are members of the Forum. The diagram below shows the numbers of different types of organisations represented.
Nearly half the organisations are environmental charities (NGOs), local Wildlife Trusts (WLT) or community groups.
Nearly a quarter are local and national Government agencies, universities and other teaching organisations. 
The final quarter is made up of commercial organisations such as garden centres  and retailers, with representatives of scientific and gardening media.
We are starting to build a group of key affiliated organisations, who back our work and are prepared to endorse our Manifesto.  If your organisation would like to be affiliated (no charge!) please contact us.
Organisations we work with
As of February 2024, the Forum has over 3,000 members, representing nearly 300 organisations for which they work or volunteer, and the number is growing steadily. There are also many private individuals in our list of members, and we value these people very highly.
Organisations we work with
As of February 2024, the Forum has over 3,000 members, representing nearly 300 organisations for which they work or volunteer, and the number is growing steadily. There are also many private individuals in our list of members, and we value these people very highly.