Recent newsletters

Newsletters from the Forum

We currently send out newsletters four times in the year.  They contain news
about the Forum, and especially about new research findings, surveys and
upcoming events. 

The newsletter is sent directly to our members as soon as it is finished, and we
post the previous newsletter on this page at that point.  Forum members
therefore have priority access, and this is a good reason to join!

We are very keen for everyone to submit material for the newsletter, especially
about events you may be running locally or regionally that might attract our
members.  Submit material using the Send us your news form on the Contact Us

If you have interesting photos, videos or ideas to share, you can also use our
Facebook and Twitter pages.
Newsletter archive from 2009
Contents are indexed and available through the Search facility
May 2023 Newsletter
• Patrons patter - Pippa Greenwood
• New fungus species found by forum member
• Light at night
• No-mow May isn't enough!
• Nectar robbing by butterflies
• Don't trust your smartphone app
Recent newsletters
Newsletter archive from 2009
Contents are indexed and available through the Search facility
May 2023 Newsletter
• Patrons patter - Pippa Greenwood
• New fungus species found by forum member
• Light at night
• No-mow May isn't enough!
• Nectar robbing by butterflies
• Don't trust your smartphone app
September 2023 Newsletter
• Opinion Piece - Ken Thompson
• Holly blue doing well
• Costs and benefits of feeding birds
• Urban allotments
• Dracula spider
• Book review

Newsletters from the Forum

We currently send out newsletters four times in the year.  They
contain news about the Forum, and especially about new
research findings, surveys and upcoming events. 

The newsletter is sent directly to our members as soon as it is
finished, and we post the previous newsletter on this page at
that point.  Forum members therefore have priority access, and
this is a good reason to join!

We are very keen for everyone to submit material for the
newsletter, especially about events you may be running locally or
regionally that might attract our members.  Submit material
using the Send us your news form on the Contact Us page.

If you have interesting photos, videos or ideas to share, you can
also use our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Last newsletter released to the web
Newsletter archive from 2009
Contents are indexed and available through the Search facility

Newsletters from the Forum

We currently send out newsletters four times in the year.  They contain news
about the Forum, and especially about new research findings, surveys and
upcoming events. 

The newsletter is sent directly to our members as soon as it is finished, and we
post the previous newsletter on this page at that point.  Forum members
therefore have priority access, and this is a good reason to join!

We are very keen for everyone to submit material for the newsletter, especially
about events you may be running locally or regionally that might attract our
members.  Submit material using the Send us your news form on the Contact Us

If you have interesting photos, videos or ideas to share, you can also use our
Facebook and Twitter pages.

Last newsletter released to the web
December 2023 Newsletter
• "Nativeness"?
• Insect apocalypse reconsidered
• Love your common weeds
• Pesticides and soils
• Book reviews
• Christmas in your garden
March 2024 Newsletter
• Our Winter Webinars
• Website update
• No-mow May
• Pollination research
• Why moths fly to light
• Cats and conservation
• Book reviews
March 2024 Newsletter
• Our Winter Webinars
• Website update
• No-mow May
• Pollination research
• Why moths fly to light
• Cats and conservation
• Book reviews
December 2023 Newsletter
• Insect apocalypse reconsidered
• Love your common weeds
• Pesticides and soils
• Book reviews
• Christmas in your garden
September 2023 Newsletter
• Opinion Piece - Ken Thompson
• Holly blue doing well
• Costs and benefits of feeding birds
• Urban allotments
• Dracula spider
• Book review
Recent newsletters